What is an industrial 3D animation?

An industrial animation is an animation of an industrial product and its specific range of motion. Its objective is to explain the functionality of an industrial mechanism. Learn what
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What is an industrial 3D animation?

An industrial animation is an animation of an industrial machine or product and its specific mechanism and/or range of motion. Its objective is to explain the functionality of an industrial product / mechanism / components.

Also called a technical animation or a mechanical animation, its purpose is to show how a process works. Furthermore, its main goal is to simplify the complex science behind those construction solutions. It also helps with communicating the key information in an easy-to-understand manner that also encourages engagement.

How do animation studios create industrial animations?

Video games and other sorts of entertainment businesses, such as movies, regularly utilize industrial animations created at animation studios. Therefore, animators that work with high-tech equipment will generate these animations and designs.

They begin by mixing things created by two-dimensional and three-dimensional artists. They then add movement to these graphic pieces, turning them into a live-action video. Next, the designers working for the entertainment industry continue by following the designer’s storyboard, continuing to improve their craft. This enables them to generate the characters’ and vehicles’ movements. The most significant aspect is that it gives the 3D model more personality, emotion, and realism, making it more realistic.

What is the 3D animation market size?

To answer this frequently asked question, the 3D animation business or market share of 3D animation is steadily expanding, with the global 3D animation market size estimated at $16.64 billion in 2020 and expected to reach $18.39 billion by 2021. That being said, Maxon Computer Report attributes the size of the animation market to a good deal of power, which can be seen in the entertainment sector as well as in game development (the gaming industry), technology in movies, as well as in the medical industry (pharmaceutical companies, for example), to name a few.

The 3D animation industry is also very commonly used in the marketing department, especially all over North America, Latin America, and the Asia Pacific.

How can 3D animations help you ease the selling process with your clients?

The advantages of incorporating 3D animations or modeling for industrial product visualizations are numerous. Firstly, animations help consumers understand complex systems and functionalities that may be difficult to explain in words. Secondly, 3D animations provide an interesting and effective way to demonstrate procedures that may be impractical to demonstrate in real time, allowing for faster and more efficient communication. Thirdly, realistic animations of 3D models can be used by sales professionals to showcase product movements, processes, and applications to potential customers prior to a meeting, enhancing their understanding in an interactive manner. Lastly, animations can also be valuable for employee training, providing explanations of specific movements, assembly and disassembly steps, and repair procedures.


Why is the 3D animation industry a huge plus for any marketing strategy?

It is now fair to say that industrial animation is the future for any marketing strategy. Statistics show that 45% of people watch videos on Youtube or Facebook for more than an hour weekly. We can also see that 87% of online marketers use video content. In addition, research shows that marketers who use video grow revenue 49% faster than non-video users. This means people want movement, not just still pictures.

For marketers, 3D animations of industrial products on your website or even in product demonstrations reveal that your company is at the forefront of the latest technological trends and is certainly capable of designing innovative and professional-quality products in the field. This means that an animation 3D model can easily help build a brand image that shows how innovative your company is. This is important in a highly digitalized sales environment.

To summarize, 3D animations make products appear more realistic and natural, despite the fact that they are completely computer-generated.

Here is an example of a series of 3D animations demonstrating the assembly of a product creating using Visao’s 3D platform:



How will 3D product animation services benefit your company?

This tool is great for engaging with your audience in a way that is both visual and audible, which makes it easier for you to communicate your products and services. In fact, an animation can fill in the void of what can be more difficult to explain, see, and feel. That being said, 3D animations enhance and facilitate the selling process of your products and services. Also, by marketing your brand with 3D animation services, you will help stimulate and engage your audience. It will help individuals remember your company, service, or product by giving them something visual to look at.

As a result, animation services that showcase a wide range of 3D models are ideal for animating equipment internals, all technical animation, mechanical animation, and medical scenarios that occur within the body, training safety concerns, and selling products with simple instructional animations. For example, these are ideal for a variety of applications, including websites, company training, sales presentations, any marketing campaign, entertaining, and trade show displays. In the same way, 3D models can also be displayed as animated videos.

In addition to this, 3D animations or simulations, often used to implement a marketing strategy, can bring concepts and ideas to life to intensify the interest level of your audience. For instance, with something visual to view, people will remember your organization, service, or product.

In the same way as mentioned earlier, Visao specializes in developing outstanding 3D modeling, 3D images, 3D industrial animations, 3D animation videos, and product simulations for any industry to make your company or service look amazing.

Click here to learn more about how Visao can help companies succeed in unique ways.


What about animations in augmented reality? Can it replace the way we see an object in real life?

If your customers are redesigning their floor plan to accommodate your products, they need to know if they will be a perfect fit. That’s where augmented reality takes part and gives them the ability to visualize the configuration and location of your machines using a simple mobile device. It is also possible to add animations to allow customers to see the full range of movement of the machines in their own work environment, making their planning much easier.

If you would like to know more about how 3D visualizations can help you increase your sales, you will enjoy this article.


So, AR and virtual reality is the way of the future. It offers a great interactive and visual experience that can show a real product in a real-life setting, bringing down costs, giving you real-world experience, and letting you train whenever and wherever you want.

This tool is very effective for learning difficulties, whether it’s a virtual learning programme in the classroom, a training visualisation for VR headsets, or a virtual tour through a tool. It can also become a learning experience because 3D visuals are very effective for those who have a hard time planning or imagining an object in a space.

The virtual showroom that Visao can create for you is an accurate representation of how you can bring your product or services to life because of how it can simulate a physical environment and incorporate 3D replicas of its merchandise into a virtual space. 

Click here to get the total rundown of what functions Visao’s 3D product configurator holds


How can Visao’s experts help you?

Visao provides a web-based 3D industrial animation software that allows manufacturers to use their CAD files to create interactive 3D product displays of their products for marketing, sales processes, trade shows, and production. We also provide services to accompany you in the process of creating your own engaging experience in just a few weeks!

Ready to create your own unique virtual 3D viewer with personalized 3D animations? Request a virtual appointment with Visao’s 3D and augmented reality solutions and we will be happy to assist you in your efforts!

Transform your CAD drawing into interactive 3D viewers with Visao

Create fully interactive 3D viewers of your products without any prior 3D experience

Customize the viewers to match your brand and product specifications

Host your 3D viewers on the cloud and easily share them with your audience

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